Here's what I think:
According to Charles Dickens (C. D.) book The Chistmas Carol, he believes in social justice, generosity, true humanity and the importance of memory. Ernest Hemingway (E. H.) according to his book the Old Man in the Sea, believes in the honor of struggle and that quiting is never right.
C. D. also reveals that struggle is significant in his book the Christmas Carol. Scrooge has to struggle and overcome to become a new man. E. H. re

Then E.H. in his book The Old Man and the Sea portrays Manolin as being very generous as Scrooge's nephew is portrayed in C.D's book.
Also the importance of memory is important in both. Scrooge realizes the importance of memory as he visits his past. Sanitago (the old man) finds it important to think back to the memories of winning the arm wrestling, Africa and thoughts about the boy.
As you can see both authors have similarities in their views. Not all were the same but there were a couple similarities. What do you guys think?
Can you give an example of how Manolin is generous?
Yeah, sorry! Manolin is generous in that he treats Santiago to a bear, he gives him sardines and thinks about how he should give him a new coat and shirt before the cold weather comes. Is that good enough?
yes i totally agree with you, steph!! love your blog. keep it up!
Yeah I agree too! I think it's so interesting that everyone is comparing the important of memory in both books! I never thought of TOMATS having that as a theme or even something that largely occurs in the novel. Well I guess it does, I mean what else is he gonna think about in the middle of the ocean? But I guess the purpose for each author to put in memory is different. E.H. Includes it more for background and characterization, but C.D. includes it to show how it can redeem people.
I totally agree with you and I think you answered the question really well! I also think that they are trying to show that anyone can live well and be happy even if they are poor.
Awsome blog. I totally agree with it all. I don't really know what else to say, but its really good.
what you said about EH made me think of a poster in the Sixth grade room. It showed a turtle at tyhe finish line and said "It's always too soon to quit"
That's funny!!! But yeah I agree with that comment it is too soon to quit, thought I mean sometimes you kind of have to.
I don't think they had simualar veiws of how men should live. CD was more for 'if you got a problem fix it yourself'. EH was saying that we should just ride out the hardship as best we can.
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